Clone of Education
General presentation
The two first years of the SGM department consist of a core curriculum. As part of this core curriculum, the scientific and technical units includes general engineering topics and other topics focused on “materials”. 25 to 30% of the students participate in an academic exchange in the 4th year. The fifth year is more open as the core curriculum only includes Humanities and Socioeconomic Sciences (SHES). The scientific and technical classes are presented as department options (SCM, MSD or PPF).
A core curriculum in 3 and 4 GSM - A personalized 5th year - Importance of practical work and projects
Every class of the department (lectures, seminars, practical work, project) is described in an ECTS sheet in French and in English, and is available on the department website. Students of any origin in an exchange program can select and attend any class.
Distribution of teachings